An alien with solar energy powers, Bolt, crashes into the apartment belonging to Simon, a man with portal hands. Together they arrive at S.O.A.R. (Special Ops Agents Reserve) and meet the owner Mark, and top agent Cooper, who can see all wavelengths on the electromagnetic scpectrum. They then meet CD, an alien whose powerful father threatens to take over the universe. Together they fight to stop him and become the Chieftonians.
An alien with solar energy powers, Bolt, crashes into the apartment belonging to Simon, a man with portal hands. Together they arrive at S.O.A.R. (Special Ops Agents Reserve) and meet the owner Mark, and top agent Cooper, who can see all wavelengths on the electromagnetic scpectrum. They then meet CD, an alien whose powerful father threatens to take over the universe. Together they fight to stop him and become the Chieftonians.