

Clémentine was a 1985 French animated television series. The series consisted of 39 episodes which featured the fantastic adventures of a 10-year-old girl who uses a wheelchair. The show was produced by "IDDH", a company that originally started out producing French-dubbed versions of Japanese anime. It originally aired on Antenne 2. The series was released on VHS in 1990 and on DVD in 2006.


Clémentine was a 1985 French animated television series. The series consisted of 39 episodes which featured the fantastic adventures of a 10-year-old girl who uses a wheelchair. The show was produced by "IDDH", a company that originally started out producing French-dubbed versions of Japanese anime. It originally aired on Antenne 2. The series was released on VHS in 1990 and on DVD in 2006.


Made with ··

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